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Get To Know WJS

This section of our website is dedicated purely to helping both children and parents to familiarise themselves with WJS and to try and answer the many questions that we are sure you all have.

Below you will find a number of films that we hope will give lots of information about our school. The Welcome to WJS film is more for parents, but can also be watched by children too. The Bitesize films deal with daily routines and will be of great use for children to help them become familar with how WJS works.  We hope you enjoy them and find them useful.

If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact us and we will do our very best to help you.


Bitesize WJS

Episode 1:  So what happens in the morning?  Where are the Yr3 classrooms?  Where are the toilets?  Where do I go if I feel unwell?


Episode 2 - Meet the Teaching Staff


Episode 3 - Meet Mr Taylor and Miss Storer


Episode 4 - Meet our Office Team


Episode 5 - Mr Taylor's Office - where is it and what is it like inside?

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