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Upcoming Dates

Please see below dates for the coming weeks.  We will write to you with further details about each event nearer the time.

Check back regularly as these will be updated throughout the term.  If you have any questions please contact the school office.


1st, 8th, 15th, 22nd - Swimming for Yr5

7th - World Book Day

13th - Yr3 Trip to Chelmsford Museum

15th - Red Nose Day

20th - Choir to Voice in a Million

27th - Yr4 Trip to Colchester Castle

29th - Bank Holiday


1st to 12th - Half-Term Holiday

19th, 26th - Swimming for Yr3

22nd - Yr6 PGL Meeting (6pm)

26th - PTA Event - Cake Sale 3:15 (Details to follow)

29th - Yr5 Trip to Layer Marney 


3rd, 10th, 17th, 24th - Swimming for Yr3

6th - Bank Holiday

13th to 16th - Yr6 SATS

19th to 22nd - Yr6 PGL Residential Trip

27th to 31st - Half-Term Holiday



3rd - Non-Pupil Day

7th, 14th, 21st, 28th - Swimming for Yr3

13th - Class Photographs

13th - Year 2 Parents Meeting (6pm)

14th - Year 2 Parents Meeting (9am)

21st - Dress Down Day - bottles & cuddly toys

24th - Sports Day Morning (WJS only)

24th - WJS Choir performing at Civic Theatre

25th - Sports Day Afternoon (WIS and WJS together)

27th - Yr3 Trip to Chatham Green

28th - Dress Down Day - cakes and sweets

29th - Summer Fete 11:30am - 1:30pm



1st - Upper School Production Dress Rehearsal 1:30pm

2nd - Upper School Production 1:30pm

3rd - Upper School Production 6:30pm

4th - Yr4 visiting Museum of Power

5th - Lower School Production Dress Rehearsal 1:30pm

9th - Lower School Production 1:30pm

10th - Lower School Production 6.30pm

10th - Class Swap Morning

11th - Year 5 Car Show

12th - Year 6 Leavers Party 6:30pm

16th - Meet the Teacher 3:15pm

19th - Year 6 Leavers Assembly 9:45am

22nd & 23rd - Non-Pupil Day

24th to 30th August - Summer Holiday


2nd & 3rd - Non-Pupil Day

4th - Return to school


28th to 1st November - Half-Term Holiday



23rd to 3rd January 2024 - Half-Term Holiday

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