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Upcoming Dates

Please see below dates for the coming weeks.  We will write to you with further details about each event nearer the time.

Check back regularly as these will be updated throughout the term.  If you have any questions please contact the school office.


2nd/3rd - Non Pupil Day

4th - First day back at school

13th - Year 5 swimming 

16th - Staff-led clubs start 

23rd - Bag2School collection


4th - PTA Cake Sale*

21st - 25th - No staff-led clubs this week

22nd - Parents Evening 5-8pm*

23rd - Year 6 WW2 Dress-up day

24th - Parents Evening - 3.30-6pm*

25th - PTA Pumpkin competition and Halloween dress-up day*

28th - 1st November - Half-Term

* details to follow


5th - Individual School Photographs

8th - Year 6 Sleepover*

13th - Parents Meeting for Year 2 to Year 3, 6-7pm

15th - Dress-down for BBC Children In Need - wear something spotty

15th - Parents Meeting for Year 2 to Year 3, 9-10am

22nd - Dress-down for Elfridges*

28th - Elfridges ticket sales open*

25th - 29th - No staff-led clubs this week

* details to follow


2nd - Last week of staff-led clubs

6th - PTA Elfridges Event*

7th - 8th - Writtle Christmas Tree Festival, All Saints' Church*

13th - PTA Christmas Movie Night*

17th - Years 3 & 4 Christmas party (during school day)*

18th - Please bring an orange to school in preparation for the Christingle.

- Christmas lunch - Christmas jumpers welcome.

- Year 6 Christmas party (during school day)

19th - Christingle, All Saints' Church*

20th - Dress-down day - no donation required.

- Year 5 Christmas party (during school day)

23rd December 2024 - 3rd January 2025 - Half-Term

* details to follow


6th - Children return to school

6th - Staff-led clubs begin this week

10th - Year 4 swimming lessons begin

20th - Year 6 Parents SATS Meeting 6-7pm*

21st - WJS Choir - Young Voices at The O2

* details to follow


10th - No staff-led clubs this week

17th - 23rd - Half-Term



7th - 17th - Half-Term

18th & 21st - Bank Holiday - school closed




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